3 Tips on Writing an Expository Essay

An expository essay is similar to any other type of essay but with an expository essay, you would need to go beyond the generic terms and descriptions. The purpose of an expository essay is not necessarily to argue against or for an issue but instead to inform the public on a topic in a well-researched manner. For example, if you want to discuss the lasting effects of the Protestant Reformation in the United States over the past 200 years, you should research different sources such as the Bible, Catholic documents from Catholic apologists, writings from those within the Protestant Reformation who opposed the teachings of the Catholic Church and academic sources. Here are a few tips on expository essay writing.

Keep Your Essay Objective

When you are passionate about a certain topic, it becomes easy to let your emotions dictate how you write the expository essay but this is not a good idea since an expository essay should be objective rather than subjective. You should stick to the facts in the essay and expound on those without including your biases or preconceived notions on the topic. If you feel very biased about a certain topic to the point that your judgment is clouded, it is time to choose a different topic.

Avoid Fillers and Repetitive Phrases

When you write your expository essay, it is important that you leave out fillers and repetitive phrases that do not inform the reader of the topic in a meaningful way. Instead do more research on the topic if you run out of ideas. Sometimes you may need to rewrite the entire essay or pick a new topic due to a lack of substantial research on your chosen topic. This is why you shouldn't choose an overly narrow topic but rather an adequately broad topic.

Make sure your research is accurate and up to date because when you use information that existed five or ten years ago, it makes your essay appear outdated since issues change every year. For example, if you are writing about the latest developments in AIDS research concerning the search for a cure, you should mostly include data from the past six months or during the last year so you'll have the most updated news on the topic. If possible, interviews scholars on campus who have done studies on AIDS research.
