Congressional Oversights and Corruption

The congressional oversights are based on the fact that the Congress has the right and responsibility to perform oversights on the judiciary, executive and the institutions concerning the public. A question then arises as to the legality of congressional oversight. This is not expressly provided for in the constitution but impliedly, the Congress ought to investigate and ensure there is a power balance in the three government branches. Such was unanimously recognized by the Supreme Court in McGrain V Daugherty by pointing out the need for information and more so that which is conclusive and accurate.

There are several principles that govern the Congressional insights. Hearings are not held by Congress members but by the staff. To start on the principles is correspondence, meaning that agencies can be used by the members as a way of acquiring information (P. O. G. O). When it comes to research, the Congress members seek information through the research service, library, amongst others. Referral is also addressed and so is the media, since the Congress members can reach out to the press and reporters with the aim of airing their concerns. Where concerns of a non staff require to be heard, the questions can be drafted on behalf.

The members of the Congress should work hand in hand with other staff, ensuring unison. These may be the people to offer advice, avail documents, conduct investigations and even further sign contracts. Those conducting investigations should not be intimidated since the oversight is clearly draining in terms of time and resources. For instance when it comes to dealing with sensitive matters as of abuse, corruption, fraud, the people tend to offend and thus the need to press on (P. O. G. O.). Most of those being investigated wait upon the Congress to dismiss misconduct and mismanagement cases.

The issue of congressional oversight should not be partisan. Politics should be avoided by all means as much as disagreements are bound to recur. The executive should be for instance executing the law as it is required. The media should also be allowed to cover all matters including those of corruption that need the insights of the Congress without any discrimination.

Oversights by the Congress help to curb any corruption that may be evident in the judiciary and the executive. The executive need be regulated so that in their mandate they do not usurp the power assigned to them or act ultravires. The judiciary as well need checks and balances which are dealt with by the Congressional oversights.
